Can I Use Humidifier and AC Together at The Same Time?

Most of us use air conditioners with humidifiers in our homes to get a more comfortable home environment and to eliminate exceedingly dry air. Many homeowners have both these devices installed in the whole house permanently, and they keep them running together all day and night. Where an air-conditioner will work to remove the heating … Read more

How To Clean My Humidifier Wick Filter With Vinegar?

Humidifiers are the best inventions for the dry winter season. It helps to eliminate dry air in the atmosphere and thus reduces the chance of getting attacked by airborne diseases and various other ailments caused due to dry air. However, it should be noted that the device requires regular cleaning and maintenance after periodic usage … Read more

5 Reasons Not to Add Essential Oils in Your Humidifier

can you put essential oils in your humidifier

In winters, when the humidity drops to around 10-20%, severe health problems, like drying out the nose and throat lining, respiratory distress, and many others, can be caused. It can also adversely affect wooden furniture, cracking its pieces, causing its shrinkage, or loosening the joints. Also, at times when there is very low humidity, papers, … Read more

What Kind of Water is Best to Use in Humidifier?

water in humidifier

Humidifiers are generally used at home to eliminate dryness in the air. Monitoring and improving indoor air quality helps prevent skin irritation, respiratory disorders, winter allergies, and many other similar issues. However, humidifiers, if not used properly, may cause various additional health problems instead of solving them. It is the water that we use in … Read more