Will a Dehumidifier Help with Spiders and Roaches in My Home?


The short answer is yes; it does help. Dehumidifiers work by reducing the relative humidity in your home. This makes it harder for common bugs (like cockroaches, spiders, silverfish, earwigs, centipedes, etc.) to survive because they need moisture from the environment to live. Spiders and roaches, in general, like to thrive in dark places with … Read more

Dehumidifier Coils Icing Up – Here’s How to Fix?

Before trying to fix your freezing dehumidifier, it is essential to first understand how it works as well as what makes it freeze in the first place. A standard dehumidifier has a fan, warm condenser coils, cold evaporator coils, and a reservoir or drains meant to hold water. It also features a humidistat that works … Read more

Dehumidifier Leaking Refrigerant – Common Causes & Fixes

Most dehumidifiers use a simple refrigeration system that collects moisture from the surrounding environment until it is discarded. The collected water will drain from a hose, effectively moving the water out of the air. This process requires using a refrigerant like freon. If you notice that the dehumidifier is losing refrigerant, you’ll also quickly see … Read more

Are Small Dehumidifiers any Good? Should You Buy Them?


Dehumidifiers are a necessity for any home. They filter moisture out of the air to keep your room at an appropriate moisture level to avoid mold and mildew. This helps prevent the slew of health issues that mold and mildew bring, protects your walls and flooring from looking horrendously ugly, and stops your house from … Read more

Bathroom Dehumidifier Vs Exhaust Fan: What is Better?

Bathroom Dehumidifier Vs Exhaust Fan

The bathroom is one of your home’s most commonly used rooms, even if it isn’t something everyone talks about!  Most bathrooms are equipped with some form of the exhaust system to vent out smells, condensation from the shower, and more.  Since the bathroom is often the worst room for creating condensation in the first place, … Read more

Can A Dehumidifier Make You Feel Dehydrated or Sick?

can dehumidifier dehydrate

Dehydration occurs when water and other such fluids in the body are removed, resulting in the organs being stretched and strained more than usual, making a person feel weak, both mentally and physically. This can stem from not drinking enough water or being outside in extreme heat for too long. Being aware of the amount … Read more

Can a Heat Pump Dehumidify Your House?

You all know that establishing the right indoor temperature and humidity can improve your overall well-being. Well, many homeowners look for a new dehumidifier to achieve such benefits. And many people who already own a heat pump ask themselves whether or not a heat pump can work similarly to a dehumidifier. Typically, when a heat … Read more

How Long Should A Dehumidifier Last On An Average?

how long should dehumidifier last

So, you are wondering whether or not you need a dehumidifier. And you discover that you don’t really know how to use it or how long it should last. Rest assured, we’ve got you covered in this article! The first thing you need to know is when it is best to install a dehumidifier in … Read more

How Big A Dehumidifier Do I Need for My House?

How Big A Dehumidifier I Need

You’re looking for dehumidifiers and assessing the offers available on the market. But did you know that the price isn’t the first thing you need to look for? Well, to achieve the best results for your home, you should look for a device that has the power to cleanse your home’s air properly. As such, … Read more

How Long Should Your Dehumidifier Run Per Day?

how long to use dehumidifier

A dehumidifier is a device created to extract moisture from your room and prevent mold or similar issues from occurring. This is why many homeowners ask about the period in which a dehumidifier should function. And we can say this is a rather important question that can determine whether or not your device will efficiently … Read more